Indoor 3D Mapping with VolksBot, 3D laser scanner and NAVKArine-MSM

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Indoor 3D Mapping Based on the VolksBot mobile robot platform, VLP16 3D laser scanner and
NAVKArine-MSM, as a further develpment of the G1MC multi-sensor navigation module ( and NAVKA-software
In an addition small computer (NUC) was used as central input processing unit (GPIO) for the extended NAVKA-algorithms.

As further hardware component as laserscanner (Velodyne) was used.


This short animation shows a 3D point cloud map of the HSKA Building-B ground floor mapped with
the Multi sensor self-referenceing 3D mapping platform NAVKArine-MSM developed at HSKA under the MSM project "MSM - Multisensor Selfreferencing 3D-Mapping System", funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and Art (MWK) in the frame of the "Innovative Projects" research program. 

Development platform: ROS
Hardware: VolksBot mobile robot,
          Velodyne VLP16 3D laser scanner
          NAVKAarine-G1MC navigation module (GNSS receiver, accelerometer, gryroscope, barometer and magnetometer)
Packages and Algorithms used:     NAVKA-navigation and sensor fusion algorithms, togehter with Lidar Odometry and Mapping + Generalized ICP